Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Very Bad Day

So anyway I know everyone has their very bad days, and Friday July18th, 2008 was MY VERY BAD DAY. Thursday night I went to see the Dark Knight at midnight. Amanda went with me and we really liked it. Anyway I have decided I don't do midnight movies very well if I have to work the morning shift the next day. I got home early Friday morning about 3:30 am and went right to sleep, and then woke up at 8:00 to get ready for work. I am always a little groggy and grumpy when I wake up (it ususally takes me a few hours to really "wake up") By the time my shift was over I was fully awake. On my way home I was driving down 5th south heading south bound on the freeway entrance. I wanted to get into the left hand lane so I did what every drive should do I checked my blind spot and for a clear opening to move over. As I turned back around I saw myself SLAM into the Back of a Blue Suzuki Reno. I had no time to stop!! I think I was going 20-25mph.(at least I wasn't on the freeway yet going 65mph).

I was in shock. What did I just do?! I honestly sat there with my hands over my face and cried. After I regained some composure I called 911 and had the police come. We were there forever filling out accident reports and talking with the ambulance people. Luckily no one was seriously hurt. I had a stiff neck and back and the girl in the other car was a little sore from her her seatbelt had pulled, and I think her shoulders and back hurt a little too. I am lucky I wore my seatbelt too because I know I would have hit the windshield. So Put your seatbelts ON!!!!!!!!

I ended up getting a ticket for following to close. We will see how much that will cost me and I will update you on that. I am greatful I got some pretty nice cops. I normally don't like cops but these ones were nice and worked really hard to calm me down. One of them made me laugh... She said so did you clean the sink at angies? and I was like "yeah I really did how did you know?" She said I grew up in Logan and I use to eat there a lot." So yeah I just thought it was funny when she asked me if I had really done it.

The update on the car is that it is a total loss. My mom said at least we get more out of it than what I expected. Hey maybe my sisters and I can get laptops now!

Moral of the story: Do not follow too close, and pay closer attention. I was not destracted by my cell phone or the radio. I just didn't look! I feel really stupid about it and I wish car accidents upon NO ONE! so please be patient, slow down and pay attention!


Aly said...

That sucks! I've had my fair share of accidents. The sad thing is they all entailed hitting three different parked cars.

So, I get those crazy questions from a game that I bought and some of I've come up with on my own. Some of them are a little disgusting, but I still find them amusing. I guess I have a demented personality. I think that's why you and I get along so well! :)